Jesus is our desire, People are our mission, Worship is our passion, Prayer is our position, Community is our calling, Faith is our answer, Hope is our anchor, Generosity is our life, Serving is our honor.
We believe God the Father is a consuming fire, the Father of lights and the source of all true revival.
We believe Christ is the resurrection and the life. He revives all He touches. He came to set fire to the earth in a great kingdom revival. He bore our sins, died our death, and rose again with a fire stronger than the grave. He ascended to the Father's glory, from where He now rules and reigns over all.
We believe Holy Spirit is the Spirit of revival. He is the sacred flame that ignites, the divine river that renews, the holy wine that intoxicates, the sovereign wind that blows where it pleases. He is the Spirit that regenerates, sanctifies, illuminates, and revives. He is the Spirit of Divinity, pure, powerful, and miraculous. Where He is, there is freedom, there is life.
We believe the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is the divine revelation, the holy wisdom. It wounds and heals, kills and makes alive. It revives us causing our hearts to burn. It instructs us with the fire of wisdom, giving us the mind of Christ. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
We believe prayer is the language of the heart that longs for revival. It is our authority for faith and praxis. It is the incense of adoration, the cry of desperation, the shout of faith. It is effectual and powerful to bring heavens fire to earth.
We believe the church is the community of Christ. It is the fireplace in which His fire burns, the keeper of the flame. It is the lamp stand that shines in unity. It is the light of the world that leaves the four walls into every sphere of influence. It is the perpetuation of biblical justice. It is the heart of the father that loves the poor. The church was birthed with fire on the day of Pentecost. That fire must never die but burn ever brighter until the coming of that great and glorious day. It cannot be contained. It must be spread until the entire world is aflame for Christ.
- Intercession
- Prophetic worship
- Corporate prayer
- Teaching
- Studying
- Application
- Outreach/Lifestyle evangelism
- Marketplace Ministry
- Life on Life discipleship
- Supernatural culture
- Moves of Holy Spirit
- Operation of Gifts of Holy Spirit
- Sacrificial love
- Sacrificial serving
- Sacrificial compassion
420 Church Clearwater is a non-denominational body of believers and was planted in December of 2022. Our senior leader Matt Pfaltzgraf leads in developing and establishing the vision, direction, and culture of 420 church and our elders help lead and govern our body of believers in support. A true biblical eldership is a qualified council of men that jointly shepherd the local church together under the leadership of our senior leader. The elders act jointly as a council of wisdom & support and share equal responsibility but not equal authority to our senior leader. While understanding that not all are equal in their giftedness, biblical knowledge, leadership ability, experience, etc. Therefore, those among the elders who are particularly gifted to teach and preach will naturally stand out among the other elders. However, this does not mean that the other elders who are more skilled in other areas such as counseling, leading small groups, etc., have any less responsibility. Additionally, we feel it's important that those with ministry callings and gifting within the church body would not compete with the Lord for the affections of the Church. The leaders and ministries within 420 Church Clearwater exist to point others toward Christ, to care for the body of Christ and not to magnify themselves or their gifts.
Sunday Service
6:00 pm
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Friday Night HouseFires
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Jesus is our desire, People are our mission, Worship is our passion, Prayer is our position, Community is our calling, Faith is our answer, Hope is our anchor, Generosity is our life, Serving is our honor.